If you feel like you’ve watched just about every show available for streaming, then there’s hope for you yet: Hulu has released a very horny 12-part miniseries adaptation of Sally Rooney’s best selling novel Normal People, and it’s going to make your life much, much worse! The series, which follows the evolving relationship of main characters Marianne and Connell from the end of high school through university, is quickly garnering acclaim for its realistic sex scenes that are sure to remind viewers of all the intimate, passionate sex they are not having, and similarly have no chance of having in the foreseeable future. “The show just does a great job of displaying both the vulnerability and pleasure of really connected sex,” says one viewer, Jen Lee. “And sort of displaying to me that I don’t know if I will ever feel the touch of another human, be in love, or see a real person naked ever again.” “It’s cool because I was already unconsciously feeling a lot of these concerns, but watching Normal People really pushed them to the forefront of my mind where I can now dwell on them all day, every day,” Lee adds. “I love how they actually show foreplay! An experience I cannot even remember, but think was once good for me.” Newcomers to the love story and fans of the book alike seem to agree that the moving series has proved a marked detriment to their quality of life, and wish they could erase it from their brains even though they would probably go back and watch it again if they did. “I actually live with my partner and it still made my life worse,” says Leila Roberts. “I just fear we don’t have what Connell and Marianne have. It might have something to do with the fact that we’ve been stuck inside our studio apartment for eight weeks, but he never sent me beautiful emails before then either.” So grab your remote and tune into this new Hulu series where the costumes are sweat on bare skin and the soundtrack is heavy breathing. It will make your life bad!
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