During these unprecedented times, it’s understandable to not feel like yourself when normal life has been so disrupted. And while mood disorders are common and normal to experience, it can be hard to discern whether you’re feeling emotionally unstable or are just a person going through the common trials of the most uncertain period in our lifetime so far. Take this quiz to find out if you’re emotionally unstable or just kind of living in these times right now: When you read the news, do you… Want to throw your computer across the room and then yell at a loved one in a way you’ll almost immediately regret? Want to throw your computer across the room and yell at a loved one in a way you’ll almost immediately regret? You’re at a baby shower for your best friend. Do you… Immediately start crying and drawing attention to yourself because life and reproduction are futile as the earth is slowly crumbling? Immediately start crying and drawing attention to yourself because life and reproduction are futile as the earth is slowly crumbling? You’ve just broken up with someone you were seeing for a few months. Do you… Wait exactly three days before texting them at 3 am to come over because you’ve realized we need to cling onto love wherever we can find it in these end times? Wait exactly three days before texting them at 3 am to come over because you’ve realized we need to cling onto love wherever we can find it in these end times? Results: Mostly 1’s or 2’s – Both, probably? We’re not doctors: You might feel emotionally unstable, and you’re probably right – but then again, you could just be a person living through an unusually horrible time. At this point, we have no way of telling the difference. Why don’t you take a break and go easy on yourself? Contact a professional about these things, though. We’re not doctors. Anyway, if you’ve read this much, you should be in therapy regardless. Please, go to therapy!!
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