Ask any young person on the street and they will all agree that technology has made it harder to find “The One.” From ghosted text messages to lackluster Tinder meet-ups, in today's tempestuous dating landscape, it’s only natural to expect the worst. The odds are clearly stacked against true love’s favor; and that’s precisely why I’m waiting until at least the third date before I make my Sims get it on. With all the pressure on the modern Sim to participate in hookup culture, holding out on WooHoo has become a revolutionary act. Call me old-fashioned, but I personally believe that Sims should take things slow when it comes to romance. Jumping into bed before discovering any of your date’s Traits might be the norm nowadays, but hear me out: meaningless WooHoo after meaningless WooHoo will only leave your Sims depleted of Energy and desperate for a change. I’ve watched countless Sims waste their precious Young Adult days pining over avatars who were only looking to fool around before Aging Up. We all know that one Sim who let an ill-thought-out Amorous Hug on a first date spiral into a regrettable WooHoo by the end of the night. Let’s be real: if a Sim keeps that behavior up, there’s no way Mr. Simis Bachelor will ever see them as a serious prospect. Sure, some might argue that it’s unnatural to have a set rule for when to add “WooHoo” to a desirous Sim’s action queue. But all evidence suggests that the more a Sim chooses to Get to Know their Romantic Interest before getting busy with them, the more rewarding their experience under the covers will be. And believe me when I say that no cheat code can ever salvage a relationship in which WooHoo was engaged in too soon. Consider my words and take your time before clicking that special, special button. Waiting until the third date makes a real difference for Sims trying to figure out the contemporary game of love. A delayed WooHoo with a date your Sim is crazy about is truly the stuff of dreams—try getting that kind of fulfillment and pleasure with some rando from the expansion packs! So here’s to your Sims enjoying a lifetime of sensual, red-wine-and-Goopy-Carbonara dinners with their soulmates, followed by the intimate, tangled embrace that we know as WooHoo. Now just make sure you don’t accidentally press Try for Baby any time soon!
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